Hurry up and wait, damnit!!!

So the obscenely fast Neuro visit gave me pretty much no information, just more papers to take to the front desk, so I can pay more copayments, and learn that there are more tests to be done (that will inevitably come back normal).

The Neuro didn't seem to think that the Cymbalta was causing the Jerks and Twitches, but told me to obey my GP and continue to wean off them. That was completed Wed 05/03/06. So I am no longer medicated for my depression. Although I have been told I will need meds for it for the rest of my life. I have decided this morning however, that I cannot keep my job and remain this way. So since it is a month before I see my Rheumatologist, and a month before I get test results from the Neurologist, I will be starting Cymbalta again. My GP thought it was okay to wean me off it, since I was being referred to a Rheum and a Neuro I would be okay. I guess she forgot that they take almost a month to get appointments (new ones and follow ups).

I can't even get into my Rheum doc til 5/23. I got a huge packet in the mail that I am to have completed by the time I arrive for the appointment. Oh, and I am to be there at least 20minutes early as well. The first page of this packet states that if I am 15 minutes late, I will be rescheduled. Also if I "no-show", I will not be allowed to make another appointment there, EVER. Same thing happens if I rescedule more than twice. It's like the damned Soup Nazi from that famous Seinfeld episode. If I don't stand in line properly and come prepared, than the Nazi will slam his hand on the counter and scream "NO APPOINTMENT FOR YOU! LEAVE NOW!" Do I really want to go here? Can this woman really be the best? Whew…I sure as hell hope so.

So I had my EEG on Saturday morning. I was told to have my hair washed and dried, no mouse or hairspay or hair products at all. So I arrive with pristinely clean hair, 5 minutes early, and was told to wait about 20 minutes so he could finish with the last patient. As I walk back to my seat in the deserted waiting room, to read the magazines left from last January, I catch my reflection in a mirror and notice that my hair, when blown straight, reaches my lower back. Yikes! When did that happen? I need to cut it.

So finally it is my turn and I am lead back by a guy in jeans and a t-shirt into a tiny room with just an uncomfortable padded table, a tiny counter and a strange looking contraption, that seemed to resemble a lie detector machine.

So, I was told to lie down on the table while he measures my head, and marks spots on my forehead and scalp with a red grease pencil. After this I was showed about 15-20 yellow wires with tiny medal pads on the ends and told they will be attached to my head using this strange sandy blue glue, that I see a glob of to my right on the tray table. I then thought how silly it was to tell me to wash my hair if it was just gonna be covered in glops of glue, but whatever. Then I was told to lay down, and try to get as comfortable as possible, so that I may doze off or even fall asleep if I can. Ya, that couldn't happen. I cannot fall asleep very easily unless I am on something comfortable enough so that my joints dont hurt. And I have to be on my side in order to fall asleep, and I couldn't lay on my side  because those wires might come off. So I never actually started to doze, and I felt no jerks at all. But during the last 6 minutes, he had me keep my eyes closed, while he held a strobe light above my head. It started out slow, then faster and faster and faster. This caused a shitload of twitching, and was very interesting to me. So we will see what happens when I finally get to get the results on 06/05/06.

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One response to “Hurry up and wait, damnit!!!

  1. I don’t know why they insist on making you wait.. bitches. I am just annoyed because I wish there was something else I could do for you but I guess I can just let you know I am here for you.

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