Verdict #2…to be determined.

So I made my appointment with the Neurologist today. I got extremely lucky and snagged an appointment tomorrow. That was because someone cancelled. The next available appointment was going to be May 30th. The other Neuro I had to choose from wasn't available until the first week in July! So hopefully this guy ( I think it is a male ) will be good and be able to tell me what the hell is causing these damned "seizures".

I am currently being weaned off Cymbalta, and will be totally off it by Wednesday. This is quite scary seeing as how I was contemplating suicide (or at least major bodily harm to myself since I don't believe in suicide as an answer to misery) after the Prozac stopped working and before I got on Cymbalta. I am trying to not take as much Tramadol either (at the advice of my doctor) but that is hard, because the Cymbalta helps with my pain as well. So this will be an interesting next week or two. My regular doctor is suggesting that I start Neurontin since it is to help with some pain and with seizures. We'll see what the Neuro says about it.

I have also called to make an appointment with the Rheum doc, but they are so big I guess that you have to leave your information on a machine and they are supposed to call you back and tell you when your appointment is. I have never had to do that before. I wonder when or if they will call me back? And, I wonder if I will even get in this month? Hopefully she can find a different medicine or something else to help with the pain. I was going to try accupuncture but maybe I should wait until I talk with those doctors first. What a mess. I'm terrified that I am going to end up like this total hypochondriac annoying mess at work that always talks about how she is on 16 medications, etc. I DO NOT want to end up like that.

The fucking twitches haven't stopped unfortunately, but I am on the road to finding out how to GET them to stop, so that's good. And so to avoid sounding like the Grunty in the last paragraph, I will stop complaining, and get outta here.

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Filed under Neurology

One response to “Verdict #2…to be determined.

  1. Christina Bickley, D.O.M.

    PLEASE TRY ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE!!! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE HEAVILY MEDICATED. I am currently weaning a patient of off cymbalta and they are having terrific results. Chinese Medicine should be tried FIRST, then if it doesn’t work you can try the more devasting but potentially beneficial avenue of western pharmaceutical therapy. Try Acupuncture and herbs…you wil most definitely be surprised and my guess is you can get in to see someone this week! : )
    Good Luck and god bless

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